Monday, 18 June 2012


Just Being Me

being a very bad boy hope someday i’ll be a good boy that know what is bull shit!

My Opinion on 1Malaysia Concept

In order to understand the actual meaning of ‘1Malaysia’ is a necessary task for everyone in this country so that we can practice 1Malaysia concept. Nowadays, media industries are struggling to promote the ‘1Malaysia’ slogan to acknowledge the public about how it works. Thus, many ways have been used such as campaign, advertisement in a newspaper and internet, and broadcast team had played their role to promote 1Malaysia. As a consumer of all these, the public should be more particular of a ‘1Malaysia’ concept and trying to understand the meaning of it.

Hence, we can see how fast Malaysia has developed in technologies and science. It is a wonderful living in this country and we should not wasted the opportunities had been given for us to compete with others developed country. Therefore, we should start from the basis, which is emphasizing on education and research in our country. Government had worked hard to give the best education to the citizen of Malaysia as we can see learning math and science in English. It is compulsory for today’s generation to communicate and understand in English well.   Consequently, the student will master the world communication language. That is why the financial schemes, sponsorship, scholarship and others contribution from the government is there today.

Government always serves the best for the public and to keep the unity in Malaysia always there. National Service or is well known as PLKN (Program Latihan Khidmat Negara) is a program for those who had finished their secondary school and is selected randomly. All races is participate and no exceptional for anyone who want to avoid it. This is also helping to promote the 1Malaysia because the content in the program is to ensure the trainee buried the spirit of unity in Malaysia of all races. The PLKN programs is the initial event that was created by the government. Today thought from the government is more focusing towards charity or eliminating the social problems such as providing the 1Malaysia Clinic, 1Malaysia Grocery/Shop, 1Malaysia Menu and others related item that is considered under the 1Malaysia concept.  

Monday, 21 May 2012

Kebebasan Berita dan Informasi Siber: Suatu Paradoks

Tanah air Ku Malaysia yang kaya dengan masyarakat yang berbilang kaum dan saling hormat menghormati yang di amal dari zaman nenek moyang dahulu lagi adalah menjadi tunggak atau tunjang yang mengukuhkan antara satu sama lain tidak kira bangsa, agama dan etnik. Perubahan teknologi adalah satu perkembangan dunia yang juga berkembang pesat di Negara kita. Antaranya ialah internet. Bermula dari tahun 90an Negara kita di kenalkan dengan internet dan semenjak itu satu persatu perubahan yang memajukan Negara kita dapat dilihat melalui alam siber. 

        Menurut artikel “Kebebasan Berita dan Informasi Siber: Suatu Paradoks” karya Dr. Rahmat Ghazali, saya melihat pandangan beliau dari segi kebebasan berita dan informasi sangat perlu di titik beratkan oleh segenap masyarakat di Malaysia. mengapa saya berkata begitu kerana kita layak dan bebas memberi pandangan tetapi untuk sesetengah perkara kita perlu ada batasan dalam memberi pandangan. Kerana bercakap tentang seseorang terutama orang kenamaan atau menteri kita mungkin akan di ambil tindakan jika keterlaluan.

           Malah bagi Negara yang berbilang kaum kita juga perlu menghormati bangsa-bangsa lain serta agama yang di anuti mereka. Tidak molek untuk kita sebagai rakyat yang prihatin untuk bercakap atau mengkritik agama lain. Kerana polisi ada mengatakan negara kita bebas beragama. Jadi tidak kira islam, budhha, hindu, kristian kita sesama kita perlu menghormati agama masing-masing.

           Internet media di Malaysia adalah satu medium media yang sering di gunakan masyarakat kini. Segala berita dan informasi dapat di cari hanya melalui internet. Tetapi kita sebagai pengguna perlu bijak dan tahu untuk membuat pilihan dan pandangan diantara mana satu yang benar ataupun hanyalah propaganda sahaja.  Tidak berkata medium ini kurang berkesan, Cuma perlu bijak supaya tidak terpedaya. Melihat dengan akal walaupun pada zahirnya menggunakan mata. Segala informasi dan berita yang terlalu bercanggah perlulah kita selidik semula. Supaya segala informasi dan berita yang kita terima melalui media ini dapat di gunakan.

           Jika di bandingkan dengan media cetak, sudah tentu internet media lebih mudah dengan hanya klik pada segala informasi yang anda berminat untuk membaca. Namum media cetak juga ada kelebihannya kerana sususan bahasa, ayat dan perkataan yang mengikut tatabahasa yang betul dan segala informasi ditapis sebelum di siarkan.

Online Journalism Should Be Controlled

The tools called web has made our world smaller by connecting people with the same interests and it has made our possibilities endless with the amount of information available. It also made our lives as light as we had the leverage and it is easier than we could ever imagined by. Speaking of online material in nowadays, online journalism is the place for the journalist to express their arts. Somehow, in my opinion it should be controlled because living in such this country will contribute to a bad or a good effects.

Recently with the advancements of the new media in our lives pays a big impact in the society. It is a next good communication level but it merely will brings to the negative effect if it is not filtered properly. People now seek an information on the internet to gain news and information. It needs to be controlled because of the background of the country where all of us know that the power of the unity between races are important and on top of that, the bonding must be keep from any harms.

It will be a violate information if the information is not filtered because people may tend to believe what they heard without ensuring the validity of the news or information. Most of it’s containing the political views and ideologies. As in the zone that people know the politics game is ‘clean’ it should be a noticeable how serious it may affect the country and the ruling of the legislation and regulatory bodies.

Just saying that we could see people are highly depending on what they tend to believe and easy to get which is online stuff where the sources are on the news from internet such as twitter and facebook. It is very dangerous when the news are invalid and with the presence of any doubt and they totally believe the source of the news. In conclusion, the content of the news itself is important. The content of the news can change the reader's perception on seeing the world with their own perspective on the certain issues. News or information on the internet are able to shape and spin the cognitive towards certain values of that particular stuff.